Tag Archives: postgres

Use of “pgtt” Extension in Self Managed vs. Cloud Products

There are several benefits to using temp tables in SQL DML operations. Given my long relationship and work on Oracle databases, I am highly familiar with the Oracle style “Global Temporary Tables” and have used them to solve many performance issues when complex joins are involved. That’s why I was excited when Gilles Darold released the extension “pgtt” for PostgreSQL. I was even more excited when Google released the extension for use in the Google CloudSQL for Postgres and AlloyDB for Postgres products.

In my opinion, native Postgres temporary tables leave a lot to be desired. For example, each table has to be created upon use. Nothing is persistent. This takes time and leads to Postgres catalog bloat (looking to do a post on this soon). That being said, in self managed instances, ‘pgtt’ is very easy to use. You can load the extension either at connection time by user, or for anyone that connects to a database. For example (make sure the extension is created in the database before setting these):

alter role test_user SET session_preload_libraries to 'pgtt';

alter database test_pgtt SET session_preload_libraries = 'pgtt';

This will, by default, use the ‘pgtt’ version of temporary tables instead of the default temporary tables Postgres offers. You can then create ‘pgtt’ style tables and refer to them via the pgtt_schema with no further modifications.

To revert back in the session, you must “disconnect” the session alter the user / database to revert the behavior to “old” style temporary tables. To my knowledge, if the library is enabled this way there is no way to use both styles of temporary tables at the same time.

alter role test_user RESET session_preload_libraries;

alter database pgtt_test RESET session_preload_libraries;

The Set Up…..

/* set flag "pgtt.enabled" on alloydb / cloudsql postgres console  to on */

/* create the extension in every database you need to use global temp tables */
LOAD 'pgtt';

/* Additional extensions needed for this test */

/* create the persistent global temporary table */
id integer,

/* create an index on the global temp table */
CREATE INDEX ON pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table (id);

Use of ‘pgtt’ in Cloud Database Products

When you look at managed Cloud databases (from any vendor), you have to understand that some items need to be locked down in order to safeguard against the “managed” nature of the product. Unfortunately (as of this writing), at least in Google Cloud Postgres products, you cannot manipulate the parameter “session_preload_libraries”. So then you ask “How can I programmatically use the extension”? As the time of this writing, I have found only two ways. Either the user has to explicitly execute “LOAD ‘pgtt'” at the beginning / at some point in their session or the “LOAD” must be embedded in a function / procedure similar to the following:

/* function definition with loading of extension as a work around */
create or replace function public.test_gtt_function(P_IN_IDS integer[])
	returns table (
		id integer,
		lbl text
    language plpgsql 
AS $func$
LOAD 'pgtt';
	/* revised query below */
	INSERT INTO pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table
		select generate_series,substr(uuid_generate_v4()::text,1,15) FROM generate_series(1, 5000);
	SELECT mygtt.id,mygtt.lbl from pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table mygtt where mygtt.id = ANY (P_IN_IDS);

As you can see in the above function, the “LOAD” directive is the first thing in the function. While I am not a fan of having to do it this way, there doesn’t seem to be a huge performance impact but one nonetheless that you must account for:

(postgres@##########:5432) [tpcc] > LOAD 'pgtt';
Time: 3.811 ms
(postgres@##########:5432) [tpcc] > \watch 1
Time: 2.922 ms
Time: 1.219 ms
Time: 1.335 ms
Time: 1.300 ms
Time: 1.282 ms

One reason I do like the implementation within the function is that it is easier to remove the directive vs the directive being embedded within the code. Either way the right direction is to get the vendor to allow targeted values for this parameter. This will allow the most flexibility and the least amount of awareness and hassle when using this extension.

So What Happens If You Don’t Load The Library??

So if you do not load the library with one of the options above, the functions still works. But what happens? The table actually behaves as a “real” table and the data is never truncated… Even after disconnection:

create or replace function public.test_gtt_wo_load_function(P_IN_IDS integer[])
	returns table (
		id integer,
		lbl text
    language plpgsql 
AS $func$
	/* revised query below */
	INSERT INTO pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table
		select generate_series,substr(uuid_generate_v4()::text,1,15) FROM generate_series(1, 5000);
	SELECT mygtt.id,mygtt.lbl from pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table mygtt where mygtt.id = ANY (P_IN_IDS);

(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > \set ids ARRAY[3,28,69,235,389,512,678,899]
(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > select * from public.test_gtt_wo_load_function(:ids);
 id  |       lbl
   3 | 2f82b04f-db13-4
  28 | 49dfea9a-5c41-4
  69 | d2d27343-a8d4-4
 235 | d5f32cd9-9495-4
 389 | 69842fc5-f0e5-4
 512 | e52c1625-0fab-4
 678 | 0fd320a9-8f08-4
 899 | 452a5f95-6e16-4
(8 rows)

(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > select * from public.test_gtt_wo_load_function(:ids);
 id  |       lbl
   3 | 2f82b04f-db13-4
   3 | 632e097d-0f80-4
  28 | 49dfea9a-5c41-4
  28 | bf9ed2c4-14d2-4
  69 | d2d27343-a8d4-4
 899 | 452a5f95-6e16-4
 899 | d40c915f-04c7-4
(16 rows)

(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > select * from public.test_gtt_wo_load_function(:ids);
 id  |       lbl
   3 | 2f82b04f-db13-4
   3 | 632e097d-0f80-4
   3 | 9cd65fda-ab4a-4
  28 | 49dfea9a-5c41-4
  28 | bf9ed2c4-14d2-4
  28 | 6cdd9a22-5c60-4
 899 | 452a5f95-6e16-4
 899 | d40c915f-04c7-4
 899 | 0319d855-a935-4
(24 rows)

(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > \q
shaneborden_google_com@replication-instance-1:/home/shaneborden_google_com $ psql -h ###### -p 5432 -U postgres -d tpcc
Password for user postgres:
(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > \set ids ARRAY[3,28,69,235,389,512,678,899]
(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > select * from public.test_gtt_wo_load_function(:ids);
 id  |       lbl
   3 | 82f66c20-f484-4
   3 | 01ad1b4d-2790-4
   3 | a3c38d05-fb7d-4
   3 | 7a4b2ff8-3e32-4
   3 | af8a96e1-194c-4
   3 | 02586796-1cc6-4
  28 | 62b1fb31-d3c0-4
  28 | 3acfe744-574f-4
  28 | 1e2d64fa-1106-4
  28 | d92a9321-4330-4
  28 | f3b1d45e-d4a7-4
  28 | 270146eb-1098-4
  69 | 506ad97c-fdad-4
  69 | bf3340d5-17a2-4
  69 | 47cbd9eb-83da-4
  69 | 487e8b22-4a05-4
  69 | b17314bc-5822-4
 678 | a8d7dc45-c027-4
 678 | 17b666e5-1fc1-4
 678 | 4386eeb4-7b4e-4
 678 | 2942f25f-3d13-4
 678 | 3853bac0-e0ba-4
 678 | 95499bef-4440-4
 899 | 4503351c-4fe4-4
 899 | 900337bf-a658-4
 899 | 5f1f02f8-29a3-4
 899 | d635c921-8f9b-4
 899 | 0dd42f22-0f8e-4
 899 | 16bb8dcf-4e35-4
(48 rows)

Pretty crazy. So if for some reason the LOAD does not occur or fails, there could be an issue where the temp table has duplicate rows.

So what happens if the “pgtt” temp table was never created? You get a failure as you expect:

(postgres@#######:5432) [tpcc] > select * from public.test_gtt_wo_load_function(:ids);
ERROR:  relation "pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table
QUERY:  INSERT INTO pgtt_schema.test_gtt_table
select generate_series,substr(uuid_generate_v4()::text,1,15) FROM generate_series(1, 5000)
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function test_gtt_wo_load_function(integer[]) line 4 at SQL statement
Time: 5.204 ms

So it is important to ensure that if you intend to use “pgtt” you have a programmatic method to load the extension….. and in the meantime, I will be working on my end to get a cleaner way to load it in the managed products I have access to.

“Row Movement” in PostgreSQL… Is it bad?

In Oracle, right or wrong, I was always taught to try to avoid “row movement” between partitions due to the general thought that the extra workload of a “delete” + “insert” (rewrite of the row) should be avoided due to the extra I/O, index fragmentation and the associated risks of a migrating ROWID in the cases where the app developers might have used it in their code (now that’s a whole other problem). Oracle didn’t even let you do it by default.

Table by table, you had to explicitly set:

alter table [table name] enable row movement;

Now, you also had to set this to do table reorganizations such as “alter table…. shrink space / shrink space compact” so it wasn’t something unheard of. However, when a customer recently explained to me that they were going to partition a PostgreSQL table and update the partition key column from null to the date when the row got processed, my mind immediately went to the space of that’s probably bad……. RIGHT??

Well, once I thought about it, maybe it’s not all that bad due to the way MVCC and the subsequent VACUUM operations occur in PostgreSQL. The only thing I could think of that might be a factor is that you would lose any potential benefit of HOT (Heap-Only-Tuple) updates since the row will no longer be part of the original partition, seeing that partitions in PostgreSQL are just another table. The benefit though is that I could limit my vacuum operations to one single partition and SMALLER table. A plus for this customer.

**** Note: An implementation like this does not necessarily follow best practices with regards to partitioning. That being said, I was attempting to validate the idea with regards to how PostgreSQL MVCC behaves.

That being said, I wanted to at least be able to prove / disprove my thoughts with a demonstration, so off to PostgreSQL we go. First let’s create a simple partitioned table and use pg_partman to help:

CREATE TABLE partman_test.partman_partitioned (
	id integer not null, 
	val varchar(20) not null,
	created_tmstp timestamp not null,
	event_tmstp timestamp null) 
PARTITION BY RANGE (event_tmstp);

CREATE INDEX partman_partitioned_ix1 ON partman_test.partman_partitioned (id);

SELECT partman.create_parent( p_parent_table => 'partman_test.partman_partitioned',
 p_control => 'event_tmstp',
 p_type => 'native',
 p_interval=> 'daily',
 p_premake => 3);

Now, lets insert some random data using a date randomizer function to spread the data across new partitions:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partman_test.random_date(out random_date_entry timestamp) AS $$
select current_timestamp(3) + random() * interval '2 days'

INSERT INTO partman_test.partman_partitioned VALUES ( 
		substr(md5(random()::text), 0,10),

And then for demonstration purposes, I will set autovacuum to “off” for all the partitions” and run 100 updates to move the data into random partitions using the following statement:

ALTER TABLE partman_test.partman_partitioned_default SET (autovacuum_enabled = false);
ALTER TABLE partman_test.partman_partitioned_p2023_09_05 SET (autovacuum_enabled = false);
ALTER TABLE partman_test.partman_partitioned_p2023_09_06 SET (autovacuum_enabled = false);
ALTER TABLE partman_test.partman_partitioned_p2023_09_07 SET (autovacuum_enabled = false);

do $$
  v_id integer;
	for cnt in 1..100 loop
	  select id 
	  FROM partman_test.partman_partitioned 
	  WHERE event_tmstp is null 
	  INTO v_id;
	  UPDATE partman_test.partman_partitioned
	    SET event_tmstp = partman_test.random_date()
	    WHERE id = v_id and event_tmstp is null;
	end loop;
end; $$;

Once the updates finish, let’s look at the vacuum stats:

relname                                     |autovac_enabled|live_tup|dead_dup|hot_upd|mod_since_stats|ins_since_vac|
partman_test.partman_partitioned            |true           |       0|       0|      0|              0|            0|
partman_test.partman_partitioned_default    |false          |       0|     100|      0|            100|            0|
partman_test.partman_partitioned_p2023_09_05|false          |      10|       0|      0|             10|           10|
partman_test.partman_partitioned_p2023_09_06|false          |      52|       0|      0|             52|           52|
partman_test.partman_partitioned_p2023_09_07|false          |      38|       0|      0|             38|           38|

Extension “pg_stattuple” confirms that dead tuples only exist in the “default” partition. The reason as to why the numbers don’t match pg_stat_all_tables is a discussion for another day:

   524288|       9901|   475248|        90.65|              82|          3936|              0.75|      3308|        0.63|
     8192|         10|      560|         6.84|               0|             0|               0.0|      7564|       92.33|
     8192|         52|     2912|        35.55|               0|             0|               0.0|      5044|       61.57|
     8192|         38|     2128|        25.98|               0|             0|               0.0|      5884|       71.83|

So, we definitely proved that we didn’t get the benefit of HOT updates, but due to the MVCC model of PostgreSQL, the update becomes just like any other non-HOT update. This is due to the fact that the updated row is behaving as if it had an index on the row (primary cause of a non-HOT update and sometimes common) and the rest of the MVCC model is just behaving as it would anyway. I did want to validate with one more tool, but unfortunately the extension, “pg_walinspect” was not installed on this CloudSQL for Postgres instance so I was unable to use it.

What about locks? We do get additional locks to manage because we are effecting two partitions instead of one (but they are all fastpath locks):

(postgres@ [tpcc] > select locktype, database, relation::regclass, page, tuple, pid, mode,granted,fastpath, waitstart from pg_locks;
   locktype    | database |              relation              | page | tuple |  pid   |       mode       | granted | fastpath | waitstart
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned_p2023_09_05    | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned_default_id_idx | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned_default        | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned                | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL

If we were to have no row movement between partitions there is a slightly lesser amount of locks to manage:

(postgres@ [tpcc] > select locktype, database, relation::regclass, page, tuple, pid, mode,granted,fastpath, waitstart from pg_locks;
   locktype    | database |                relation                | page | tuple |  pid   |       mode       | granted | fastpath | waitstart
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned_p2023_09_05_id_idx | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned_p2023_09_05        | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL
 relation      |    69323 | partman_partitioned                    | NULL |  NULL | 129825 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | t        | NULL

Also, be aware that you may need to pay special attention to the vacuum operations and settings of the default partition as this type of operation may cause some significant bloat over time. However, one positive is that the bloat will be contained to one and only one partition.

One last caveat that comes to mind. Be sure that either you specify the partition key or explicitly update the “default” partition in your query because otherwise you would get a multiple partition scan which could cause other performance and locking issues.


Using the “hint_plan” Table Provided by the PostgreSQL Extension “pg_hint_plan”


For those who have worked with Oracle, the pg_hint_plan extension is one that will allow you to hint plans in patterns that you are likely very familiar with:

  • sql_patch
  • sql_profile
  • sql_plan_baselines

While currently, the functionality provided by pg_hint_plan is not nearly as robust (hints list), it does provide most of what you would encounter day to day as a DBA. That being said, one thing that is currently missing is the ability to easily add hints without changing code via stored_procedures / functions like in Oracle. The only way to currently do this in Open Source PostgreSQL is to manually manipulate a table named “hints” typically located in the “hint_plan” schema.

The “hints” table which is provided by the extension is highly dependent (just like Oracle) on a normalized SQL statement. A normalized SQL statement in PostgreSQL is one that has all carriage returns removed, all spaces converted to single spaces and all literals and parameters replaced with a “?”. Typically you have to do this manually, but in this blog post, I am going to show how I have leveraged entries in “pg_stat_statements” along with custom written functions to normalize the statement and place it into the “hints” table. To use this “hints” table feature, the following setting must be enabled at either the session or system level:

set session pg_hint_plan.enable_hint_table to on;

in the postgresql.conf:
pg_hint_plan.enable_hint_table to on;

What Does a Normalized Statement Look Like?

Typically, when you receive code from a developer or even code that you work on yourself, you format it in order to to make it human readable and easier to interpret. For example, you might want your statement to look like this (notice the parameters / literals in the statement:

    pgbench_branches b
    JOIN pgbench_accounts a ON (b.bid = a.bid)
    b.bid = 12345
    AND a.aid BETWEEN 100 AND 200

Now to normalize the statement for use with the “hints” table it needs to look like this:

select b.bid, sum(abalance) from pgbench_branches b join pgbench_accounts a on (b.bid = a.bid) where b.bid = ? and a.aid between ? and ? group by b.bid order by 1;

You can either manually manipulate the statement to get it in this format do this or we can attempt to do it programmatically. I prefer as much as possible to let the system format it for me so I have written a few helper scripts to do this:

Helper Queries:

**** Feel free to utilize these functions, however they may contain errors or may not normalize all statements. They depend on the pg_stat_statements table and if the entire statement will not fit within the query field of that table, then these functions will not produce the correct output. I will also place them on my public github. If you find any errors or omissions, please let me know. ****


While you can easily select from the “hints” table on your own, this query will show what a normalized statement will look like before loading it to the table. You can leave the “p_query_id” parameter null to return all queries present in the pg_stat_statements in a normalized form or you can populate it with a valid “query_id” and it will return a single normalized statement:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hint_plan.display_candidate_pg_hint_plan_queries(
  p_query_id bigint default null
  RETURNS TABLE(queryid bigint, norm_query_string text)
  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
  COST 100
 	pg_stat_statements_exists boolean := false;
        table_schema LIKE 'public' AND 
        table_type LIKE 'VIEW' AND
        table_name = 'pg_stat_statements'
    ) INTO pg_stat_statements_exists;
   IF pg_stat_statements_exists AND p_query_id is not null THEN
    SELECT pss.queryid,
                      regexp_replace(pss.query, '\$\d+', '?', 'g'),
                                E'\r', ' ', 'g'),
                              E'\t', ' ', 'g'),
                           E'\n', ' ', 'g'),
                         '\s+', ' ', 'g') || ';',1,100)
 	FROM pg_stat_statements pss where pss.queryid = p_query_id;
    SELECT pss.queryid,
                      regexp_replace(pss.query, '\$\d+', '?', 'g'),
                                E'\r', ' ', 'g'),
                              E'\t', ' ', 'g'),
                           E'\n', ' ', 'g'),
                         '\s+', ' ', 'g') || ';',1,100)
 	FROM pg_stat_statements pss;
   END IF;

If our candidate query was this:

select queryid, query from pg_stat_statements where queryid =  -8949523101378282526;
       queryid        |            query
 -8949523101378282526 | select b.bid, sum(abalance)+
                      | from pgbench_branches b    +
                      | join pgbench_accounts a    +
                      | on (b.bid = a.bid)         +
                      | where b.bid = $1           +
                      | group by b.bid             +
                      | order by 1
(1 row)

The display function would return the following normalized query:

SELECT hint_plan.display_candidate_pg_hint_plan_queries(p_query_id => -8949523101378282526);
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
display_candidate_pg_hint_plan_queries | (-8949523101378282526,"select b.bid, sum(abalance) from pgbench_branches b join pgbench_accounts a on (b.bid = a.bid) where b.bid = ? group by b.bid order by 1;")

You can then verify that the query is normalized properly and then move on toward using the next function to add the normalized query to the “hints” table.


Using the same query in the previous section, we will now add it to the “hints” table. This is where it is important to understand what hint you want to add.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hint_plan.add_stored_pg_hint_plan(
  p_query_id bigint,
  p_hint_text text,
  p_application_name text default ''
  RETURNS varchar
  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
  COST 100
-- p_hint_text can contain one or more hints either separated by a space or
-- a carriage return character.  Examples include:
-- Space Separated: SeqScan(a) Parallel(a 0 hard)
-- ASCII CRLF Separated: SeqScan(a)'||chr(10)||'Parallel(a 0 hard)
-- Single Hint: SeqScan(a)
-- Escaped text does not work: /* E'SeqScan(a)\nParallel(a 0 hard)'
 	hint_id hint_plan.hints.id%TYPE;
 	normalized_query_text hint_plan.hints.norm_query_string%TYPE;
 	pg_stat_statements_exists boolean := false;
        table_schema LIKE 'public' AND 
        table_type LIKE 'VIEW' AND
        table_name = 'pg_stat_statements'
    ) INTO pg_stat_statements_exists;
   IF NOT pg_stat_statements_exists THEN
    RAISE NOTICE 'pg_stat_statements extension has not been loaded, exiting';
    RETURN 'error';
    SELECT regexp_replace(
                      regexp_replace(query, '\$\d+', '?', 'g'),
                                E'\r', ' ', 'g'),
                              E'\t', ' ', 'g'),
                           E'\n', ' ', 'g'),
                         '\s+', ' ', 'g') || ';'
 	 INTO normalized_query_text
 	 FROM pg_stat_statements where queryid = p_query_id;
     IF normalized_query_text IS NOT NULL THEN
		INSERT INTO hint_plan.hints(norm_query_string, application_name, hints)
    	VALUES (normalized_query_text,
    	SELECT id into hint_id
    	FROM hint_plan.hints
    	WHERE norm_query_string = normalized_query_text;
 	    RETURN cast(hint_id as text);
 		RAISE NOTICE 'Query ID %q does not exist in pg_stat_statements', cast(p_query_id as text);
 		RETURN 'error';
     END IF;
   END IF;

Hint text contain one or more hints either separated by a space or a carriage return character. Examples include:

  • Space Separated: SeqScan(a) Parallel(a 0 hard)
  • ASCII CRLF Separated: SeqScan(a)’||chr(10)||’Parallel(a 0 hard)
  • Single Hint: SeqScan(a)
  • Escaped text does not work in the context of this function although this can be used if you are inserting manually to the “hints” table: E’SeqScan(a)\nParallel(a 0 hard)’
SELECT hint_plan.add_stored_pg_hint_plan(p_query_id => -8949523101378282526,
						p_hint_text => 'SeqScan(a) Parallel(a 0 hard)',
						p_application_name => '');

-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------+---
add_stored_pg_hint_plan | 28

Time: 40.889 ms

select * from hint_plan.hints where id = 28;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id                | 28
norm_query_string | select b.bid, sum(abalance) from pgbench_branches b join pgbench_accounts a on (b.bid = a.bid) where b.bid = ? group by b.bid order by 1;
application_name  |
hints             | SeqScan(a) Parallel(a 0 hard)

In the above example, we are forcing a serial sequential scan of the “pgbench_accounts”. We left the “application name” parameter empty so that the hint applies to any calling application.


You could easily just issue a delete against the “hints” table, but in keeping with utilizing a “function” approach to utilizing this functionality, a delete helper has also been developed:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hint_plan.delete_stored_pg_hint_plan(
  p_hint_id bigint
  RETURNS TABLE(id integer, norm_query_string text, application_name text, hints text)
  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
  COST 100
    DELETE FROM hint_plan.hints h WHERE h.id = p_hint_id RETURNING *;

To delete a plan you can call the procedure as follows:

 SELECT hint_plan.delete_stored_pg_hint_plan(p_hint_id => 28);
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete_stored_pg_hint_plan | (28,"select b.bid, sum(abalance) from pgbench_branches b join pgbench_accounts a on (b.bid = a.bid) where b.bid = ? group by b.bid order by 1;","","SeqScan(a) Parallel(a 0 hard)")

Time: 33.685 ms
select * from hint_plan.hints where id = 28;
(0 rows)

Time: 24.868 ms

As you can see the “hints” table is very useful and can help you emulate many parts of SQL Plan Management just like in Oracle.

Enjoy and all feedback is welcomed!!!

Leverage Google Cloud Logging + Monitoring for Custom Cloud SQL for Postgres or AlloyDB Alerts

As migrations to CloudSQL and AlloyDB pick up speed, inevitably you will run into a condition where the cloud tooling has not quite caught up with exposing custom alerts and incidents that you may be exposing on-premises with tools such as Nagios or Oracle Enterprise Manager. One such example is monitoring of replication tools such as the GoldenGate Heartbeat table. While there are many ways that you may be able to implement this, I wanted to demonstrate a way to leverage Google Cloud Logging + Google Cloud Monitoring. Using this method will allow us to keep a long term log of certain parameters like lag or anything else you have built into the heartbeat mechanism. To demonstrate, lets use Python to query the database and create a Cloud Logging Entry:

import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
from google.cloud import logging

def retrievePgAlert(
    username: str,
    password: str,
    hostname: str,
    portNumber: int,
    databaseName: str,
    alertType: str,
) -> None:

    alertList: list = []

    conn_string = f"postgresql+psycopg2://{username}:{password}@{hostname}:{portNumber}/{databaseName}?client_encoding=utf8"
    engine = create_engine(conn_string)
    with engine.connect() as con:

        if alertType == "ogg-lag":
            sqlQuery = text(
                f"select replicat, effective_date, lag from ogg.heartbeat where lag >=:lagAmt and effective_date >= now() - interval ':intervalAmt min'"

        result = con.execute(
            sqlQuery, {"lagAmt": oggLagAmt, "intervalAmt": checkIntervalMinutes}
        for row in result:

        if not alertList:
            print(f"No alerts as of {datetime.now().strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')}")
            for alertText in alertList:
                    f"Replicat: {alertText[0]} at date {alertText[1]} has a total lag of: {alertText[2]} seconds"



def writeGcpCloudLoggingAlert(
    logger_alert_type: str,
    loggerName: str,
    logger_message: list,
) -> None:

    # Writes log entries to the given logger.
    logging_client = logging.Client()

    # This log can be found in the Cloud Logging console under 'Custom Logs'.
    logger = logging_client.logger(loggerName)

    # Struct log. The struct can be any JSON-serializable dictionary.
    if logger_alert_type == "ogg-lag":
        replicatName: str
        effectiveDate: datetime
        lagAmount: str

        for alertFields in logger_message:
            replicatName = alertFields[0]
            effectiveDate = alertFields[1]
            lagAmount = int(alertFields[2])

                    "alertType": logger_alert_type,
                    "replicat": str(alertFields[0]),
                    "alertDate": alertFields[1].strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
                    "alertRetrievalDate": datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
                    "lagInSeconds": int(alertFields[2]),

    print("Wrote logs to {}.".format(logger.name))

def delete_logger(loggerName):
    """Deletes a logger and all its entries.

    Note that a deletion can take several minutes to take effect.
    logging_client = logging.Client()
    logger = logging_client.logger(loggerName)


    print("Deleted all logging entries for {}".format(logger.name))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    cloudSQLHost: str = ""
    hostname: str
    portNumber: str
    database: str
    username: str
    password: str
    oggLagAmt: int = 15
    checkIntervalMinutes: int = 20

    with open("~/.pgpass", "r") as pgpassfile:
        for line in pgpassfile:
            if line.strip().split(":")[0] == cloudSQLHost:
                hostname, portNumber, database, username, password = line.strip().split(

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
        help="GCP Cloud Log Namespace",
        help="Type of alert to log",
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.alertType == "ogg-lag":

In this script we utilize the Google Cloud Logging APIs, SQLAlchemy and some other basic python imports to query the database based on a lag amount we are looking for from the heartbeat table.

***Note: The query within the python code could check for any condition by changing the query, by leveraging “gcloud” commands or REST API calls.

If the condition is met, the script creates a JSON message which is then written to the appropriate Google Cloud Logging Namespace. An example of the JSON message is below (sensitive information like the project id and instance id have been redacted):

  "insertId": "1b6fb35g18b606n",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "alertRetrievalDate": "01/20/2023, 18:47:20",
    "lagInSeconds": 15,
    "alertType": "ogg-lag",
    "alertDate": "01/20/2023, 18:34:55",
    "replicat": "r_hr"
  "resource": {
    "type": "gce_instance",
    "labels": {
      "project_id": "[project id]",
      "instance_id": "****************",
      "zone": "projects/[project id]/zones/us-central1-c"
  "timestamp": "2023-01-20T18:47:20.103058301Z",
  "severity": "ERROR",
  "logName": "projects/[project id]/logs/postgres-alert",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2023-01-20T18:47:20.103058301Z"

Create a Cloud Logging Alert

Now that we have published a message to Cloud Logging, what can we do with it? Generally there are two paths, either a Cloud Metric or a Cloud Alert. For this demonstration, we will use the “Cloud Alert”. So to start the setup navigate to the console page “Operations Logging” —> “Logs Explorer”. From there click the “Create alert” function. The following dialog will show. You will need to double check the query to retrieve the appropriate logs in step 2, and in step 3, you can choose the time between notifications (this is to mute alerts that happen in between the interval) and how long past the last alert an incident will stay open. In this case, we will mute duplicate alerts that happen for 5 minutes after the first alert (if an alert occurs at 6 minutes another notification will fire) and incidents will remain open for 30 minutes past the last alert (no new incidents will be logged unless an alert occurs after that time frame). The query to be used within the alert is as follows:

logName="projects/[project id]/logs/postgres-alert"
AND severity="ERROR"
AND (jsonPayload.alertType = "ogg-lag")
AND (jsonPayload.lagInSeconds >= 15)
AND resource.labels.instance_id = [instance id]

The following dialogues outline the screens used to setup the alert.

The last step will be to choose your notification method, which is managed by different notification channels. The different types of notification channels include:

  • Mobile Devices
  • PagerDuty Services
  • PagerDuty Sync
  • Slack
  • Webhooks
  • E-Mail
  • SMS
  • Pub/Sub

Once all of this is defined, your alert is now set to notify once you place the python script on an appropriate schedule such as linux cron, Google Cloud Scheduler, etc. In this case we will now wait for an issue to occur that conforms to the alert. When it does an email like the following will result to the notification channel:

As your migration to cloud continues, keep an open mind and look for alternative ways to handle all of the operational “things” you are accustomed to in your on-premises environment. Most of the time there is a way in cloud to handle it!

Why is My App Table Scanning in PostgreSQL but not Oracle?

My team and I have been working on a lot of migrations off of Oracle and onto Google CloudSQL for Postgres / AlloyDB lately. One of the common things that I have been seeing in my performance tuning / migration activities is that Oracle handles certain application datatypes differently than PostgreSQL. For my most recent client, they used the “float” datatype extensively in their Java code and unfortunately, the PostgreSQL JDBC driver doesn’t convert that datatype like the Oracle JDBC driver does. The result of the datatype mismatch ends up as a full table scan in PostgreSQL whereas in Oracle it was using an index.

*** Note: This client did not use an ORM within their code. While I still need to test it, I am hopeful that this same issue will not manifest itself when using an ORM like SQLAlchemy (Python) or Hibernate (Java).

While in Oracle numbers are usually stored in the numeric datatype, you have many options within PostgreSQL to do the same thing:

  • numeric (x)
  • numeric (x,y)
  • numeric
  • smallint
  • bigint
  • int

Each serve a purpose and should be used with careful analysis. That said, don’t forget about the code! To demonstrate why, I modified a simple Java test harness I usually use to test connectivity / check SSL Encryption functionality during migrations to show what happens if the datatypes are not looked at carefully.

As you can see, in Oracle, the JDBC driver will convert any of the following types to “numeric“, the same query plan is also achieved using index range scans and no table scans. The output is below and Oracle Code is at the bottom of the post:

java -classpath /Users/shaneborden/Documents/java/ojdbc11.jar:/Users/shaneborden/Documents/java OracleJdbcTest
Password: *******
=====  Database info =====
   DatabaseProductName: Oracle
   DatabaseProductVersion: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
   DatabaseMajorVersion: 19
   DatabaseMinorVersion: 0
=====  Driver info =====
   DriverName: Oracle JDBC driver
   DriverMajorVersion: 21
   DriverMinorVersion: 8
=====  JDBC/DB attributes =====
   Supports getGeneratedKeys(): true
===== Database info =====

===== Query Plan - Cast Int to Numeric =====
   Plan hash value: 423740054

   | Id  | Operation                           | Name                | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
   |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                    |                     |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| DATATYPE_TEST       |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | DATATYPE_NUMBER_VAL |     2 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

   Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

      2 - access("NUMBER_VAL"=:1)

===== Query Plan - Cast Long to Numeric =====
   Plan hash value: 423740054

   | Id  | Operation                           | Name                | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
   |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                    |                     |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| DATATYPE_TEST       |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | DATATYPE_NUMBER_VAL |     2 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

   Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

      2 - access("NUMBER_VAL"=:1)

===== Query Plan - Cast Float to Numeric =====
   Plan hash value: 423740054

   | Id  | Operation                           | Name                | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
   |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                    |                     |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| DATATYPE_TEST       |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | DATATYPE_NUMBER_VAL |     2 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

   Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

      2 - access("NUMBER_VAL"=:1)

===== Query Plan - Cast Double to Numeric =====
   Plan hash value: 423740054

   | Id  | Operation                           | Name                | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
   |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                    |                     |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| DATATYPE_TEST       |     2 |    28 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
   |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | DATATYPE_NUMBER_VAL |     2 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

   Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

      2 - access("NUMBER_VAL"=:1)

Command successfully executed

However in PostgreSQL, the same statement where we convert “int” to “numeric” and “long” to “Numeric” an index scan is executed, however when casting “float” and “double” datatypes to numeric a table scan results. Similar behavior is seen when using the other PostgreSQL datatypes such as “smallint”, “bigint” and “int”. The output is shown below and the PostgreSQL Code is located at the bottom of the post:

java -classpath /Users/shaneborden/Documents/java/postgresql-42.5.0.jar:/Users/shaneborden/Documents/java PostgresJdbcTest
Password: *******
=====  Database info =====
   DatabaseProductName: PostgreSQL
   DatabaseProductVersion: 14.4
   DatabaseMajorVersion: 14
   DatabaseMinorVersion: 4
=====  Driver info =====
   DriverName: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
   DriverVersion: 42.5.0
   DriverMajorVersion: 42
   DriverMinorVersion: 5
=====  JDBC/DB attributes =====
   Supports getGeneratedKeys(): true
===== Database info =====
   Current Date from Postgres : 2022-12-27 16:25:41.493047-05
   Client connected pid from Postgres : 17727
   Postgres DB Unique Name from Postgres : mytpchdb
   Client connected hostname from Postgres : null
   Client connected application_name from Postgres : PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

===== Query Plan - Cast Int to Numeric =====
   Index Scan using datatype_test_numeric_decimal on datatype_test  (cost=0.43..6.47 rows=2 width=28) (actual time=0.057..0.060 rows=2 loops=1)
     Index Cond: (numeric_val = '10001'::numeric)
   Planning Time: 0.389 ms
   Execution Time: 0.085 ms

===== Query Plan - Cast Long to Numeric =====
   Index Scan using datatype_test_numeric_decimal on datatype_test  (cost=0.43..6.47 rows=2 width=28) (actual time=0.011..0.013 rows=2 loops=1)
     Index Cond: (numeric_val = '10001'::numeric)
   Planning Time: 0.126 ms
   Execution Time: 0.027 ms

===== Query Plan - Cast Float to Numeric =====
   Seq Scan on datatype_test  (cost=0.00..233334.01 rows=50000 width=28) (actual time=1050.733..2622.224 rows=2 loops=1)
     Filter: ((numeric_val)::double precision = '10001'::real)
     Rows Removed by Filter: 9999999
   Planning Time: 0.094 ms
   Execution Time: 2622.273 ms

===== Query Plan - Cast Double to Numeric =====
   Seq Scan on datatype_test  (cost=0.00..233334.01 rows=50000 width=28) (actual time=1055.081..2629.634 rows=2 loops=1)
     Filter: ((numeric_val)::double precision = '10001'::double precision)
     Rows Removed by Filter: 9999999
   Planning Time: 0.096 ms
   Execution Time: 2629.660 ms

As you can see, its very important to also ensure that your datatypes within your code are fully compliant with the destination RDBMS. The “double” and the “float” types within the Java code cause a table scan! While Oracle has become very forgiving with that over the years, PostgreSQL just isn’t there yet and you need to make sure that you adjust your code accordingly!

Code Samples:

Jar / Java Requirements:

  • openjdk 11
  • postgresql-42.5.0.jar
  • ojdbc11.jar


To compile the code:
Oracle: javac OracleJdbcTest.java
Postgres: javac PostgresJdbcTest.java

Oracle Java Test Harness:

Note: To execute the code follow the instructions in the comment block at the top of the code. The instructions to create the sample table objects are also contained within the same comment block.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.sql.*;

 * Simple Java Program to connect Oracle database by using Oracle JDBC thin driver
 * Make sure you have Oracle JDBC thin driver in your classpath before running this program
 * @author
 javac OracleJdbcTest.java
 java -classpath /Users/shaneborden/Documents/java/ojdbc11.jar:/Users/shaneborden/Documents/java OracleJdbcTest
 CREATE TABLE tc.datatype_test (
		number_decimal_val number(12,2), 
		number_val number(12),
    random_val number(4))
 CREATE SEQUENCE tc.datatype_test_seq
  START WITH     1
  FOR i in 1 .. 1000000
 INSERT INTO tc.datatype_test VALUES ( 
		floor(dbms_random.value(1, 1000000)),
    floor(dbms_random.value(1, 1000)));

CREATE INDEX tc.datatype_number_decimal_val on tc.datatype_test(number_decimal_val);
CREATE INDEX tc.datatype_number_val on tc.datatype_test(number_val);

public class OracleJdbcTest
  public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
      java.io.Console console = System.console();
      Boolean dataTypeCheck = true;
      String sourceDatatType = "Numeric";
      String inputPassword = new String(console.readPassword("Password: "));
      Integer intQueryParam = 10001;
      Long longQueryParam = 10001L;
      Float floatQueryParam = 10001f;
      Double doubleQueryParam = 10001.0;

      /**Set URL of Oracle database server*/
      String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//";
      String xPlanSql = "select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)";
      /** properties for creating connection to Oracle database */
      Properties props = new Properties();
      props.setProperty("user", "datatypeTestUser");
      props.setProperty("password",  inputPassword);
      /** creating connection to Oracle database using JDBC*/
      Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,props);
      DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
      System.out.println("=====  Database info =====");
      System.out.println("   DatabaseProductName: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName() );
      System.out.println("   DatabaseProductVersion: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion() );
      System.out.println("   DatabaseMajorVersion: " + dbmd.getDatabaseMajorVersion() );
      System.out.println("   DatabaseMinorVersion: " + dbmd.getDatabaseMinorVersion() );
      System.out.println("=====  Driver info =====");
      System.out.println("   DriverName: " + dbmd.getDriverName() );
      System.out.println("   DriverVersion: " + dbmd.getDriverVersion() );
      System.out.println("   DriverMajorVersion: " + dbmd.getDriverMajorVersion() );
      System.out.println("   DriverMinorVersion: " + dbmd.getDriverMinorVersion() );
      System.out.println("=====  JDBC/DB attributes =====");
      if (dbmd.supportsGetGeneratedKeys() )
        System.out.println("   Supports getGeneratedKeys(): true");
        System.out.println("   Supports getGeneratedKeys(): false");
      System.out.println("===== Database info =====");
      String sql = "with session_data as (";
            sql = sql + "select sysdate as current_day,SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'DB_UNIQUE_NAME') as db_name,SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'SERVICE_NAME') as service_name, ";
            sql = sql + "SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'HOST') as host, SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'IP_ADDRESS') as ip_address,  SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SID') sid from dual) ";
            sql = sql + "select sd.current_day, sd.db_name, sd.service_name, sd.host, sd.ip_address, ";
            sql = sql + "sd.sid, nvl(sci.network_service_banner, 'Traffic Not Encrypted') network_service_banner ";
            sql = sql + "from session_data sd ";
            sql = sql + "left join v$session_connect_info sci on (sd.sid = sci.sid) ";
            sql = sql + "where sci.network_service_banner like '%Crypto-checksumming service adapter%'";
      /** creating PreparedStatement object to execute query*/
      PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
      ResultSet result = preStatement.executeQuery();
        System.out.println("Current Date from Oracle : " +         result.getString("current_day"));
        System.out.println("Oracle DB Unique Name from Oracle : " +         result.getString("db_name"));
        System.out.println("Oracle Connected Listener Service Name from Oracle : " +         result.getString("service_name"));
        System.out.println("Client connected hostname from Oracle : " +         result.getString("host"));
        System.out.println("Client connected ip_address from Oracle : " +         result.getString("ip_address"));
        System.out.println("Client connected encryption info from Oracle : " +         result.getString("network_service_banner"));

      if (dataTypeCheck)
        if (sourceDatatType == "Numeric122") {
          sql = "EXPLAIN PLAN FOR ";
          sql = sql + "select * from tc.datatype_test where number_decimal_val = ?";
        } else if (sourceDatatType == "Numeric") {
          sql = "EXPLAIN PLAN FOR ";
          sql = sql + "select * from tc.datatype_test where number_val = ?";

        System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Int to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

        /** creating PreparedStatement object to execute query*/
        preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

        preStatement.setInt(1, intQueryParam);
        result = preStatement.executeQuery();

        PreparedStatement xPlanStatement = conn.prepareStatement(xPlanSql);
        ResultSet xPlanResult = xPlanStatement.executeQuery();

            System.out.println("   " + xPlanResult.getString(1));

        System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Long to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

        preStatement.setLong(1, longQueryParam);
        result = preStatement.executeQuery();

        xPlanStatement = conn.prepareStatement(xPlanSql);
        xPlanResult = xPlanStatement.executeQuery();

            System.out.println("   " + xPlanResult.getString(1));

        System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Float to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

        preStatement.setFloat(1, floatQueryParam);
        result = preStatement.executeQuery();

        xPlanStatement = conn.prepareStatement(xPlanSql);
        xPlanResult = xPlanStatement.executeQuery();

            System.out.println("   " + xPlanResult.getString(1));

        System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Double to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

        preStatement.setDouble(1, doubleQueryParam);
        result = preStatement.executeQuery();

        xPlanStatement = conn.prepareStatement(xPlanSql);
        xPlanResult = xPlanStatement.executeQuery();

            System.out.println("   " + xPlanResult.getString(1));


      System.out.println("Command successfully executed");


    catch(SQLException exp) {
	   System.out.println("Exception: " + exp.getMessage());
	   System.out.println("SQL State: " + exp.getSQLState());
	   System.out.println("Vendor Error: " + exp.getErrorCode());

PostgreSQL Java Test Harness:

Note: To execute the code follow the instructions in the comment block at the top of the code. The instructions to create the sample table objects are also contained within the same comment block.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.sql.*;

 * Simple Java Program to connect Postgres database by using Postgres JDBC thin driver
 * Make sure you have Postgres JDBC thin driver in your classpath before running this program
 * @author
 java -classpath /Users/shaneborden/Documents/java/postgresql-42.5.0.jar:/Users/shaneborden/Documents/java PostgresJdbcTest
 CREATE TABLE datatype_test (
		int_val int, 
		bigint_val bigint, 
		numeric_val numeric(12),
    numeric_decimal_val numeric(12,2), 
		smallint_val smallint);
INSERT INTO datatype_test VALUES ( 
		floor(random()* (32765-1 + 1) + 1) );

SET SESSION max_parallel_maintenance_workers TO 4;
SET SESSION maintenance_work_mem TO '2 GB';

CREATE INDEX datatype_test_int on datatype_test(int_val);
CREATE INDEX datatype_test_bigint on datatype_test(bigint_val);
CREATE INDEX datatype_test_numeric on datatype_test(numeric_val);
CREATE INDEX datatype_test_numeric_decimal on datatype_test(numeric_val);
CREATE INDEX datatype_test_smallint on datatype_test(smallint_val);

public class PostgresJdbcTest
  public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
       java.io.Console console = System.console();
       Boolean dataTypeCheck = true;
       String sourceDatatType = "Numeric";
       String inputPassword = new String(console.readPassword("Password: "));
       Integer intQueryParam = 10001;
       Long longQueryParam = 10001L;
       Float floatQueryParam = 10001f;
       Double doubleQueryParam = 10001.0;

       /**Set URL of Postgres database server*/
        String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6000/mytpchdb";
       /** properties for creating connection to Postgres database */
       Properties props = new Properties();
       props.setProperty("user", "postgres");
       props.setProperty("password",  inputPassword);
       /** creating connection to Postgres database using JDBC*/
       Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,props);
       DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
       System.out.println("=====  Database info =====");
       System.out.println("   DatabaseProductName: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName() );
       System.out.println("   DatabaseProductVersion: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion() );
       System.out.println("   DatabaseMajorVersion: " + dbmd.getDatabaseMajorVersion() );
       System.out.println("   DatabaseMinorVersion: " + dbmd.getDatabaseMinorVersion() );
       System.out.println("=====  Driver info =====");
       System.out.println("   DriverName: " + dbmd.getDriverName() );
       System.out.println("   DriverVersion: " + dbmd.getDriverVersion() );
       System.out.println("   DriverMajorVersion: " + dbmd.getDriverMajorVersion() );
       System.out.println("   DriverMinorVersion: " + dbmd.getDriverMinorVersion() );
       System.out.println("=====  JDBC/DB attributes =====");
       if (dbmd.supportsGetGeneratedKeys() )
         System.out.println("   Supports getGeneratedKeys(): true");
         System.out.println("   Supports getGeneratedKeys(): false");
       System.out.println("===== Database info =====");
       String sql = "select now() as current_day,current_database() as db_name, ";
              sql = sql + "client_hostname as host, application_name, pid from pg_stat_activity ";
              sql = sql + " where pid = pg_backend_pid() ";
       /** creating PreparedStatement object to execute query*/
       PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
       ResultSet result = preStatement.executeQuery();
           System.out.println("   Current Date from Postgres : " +         result.getString("current_day"));
           System.out.println("   Client connected pid from Postgres : " +         result.getString("pid"));
           System.out.println("   Postgres DB Unique Name from Postgres : " +         result.getString("db_name"));
           System.out.println("   Client connected hostname from Postgres : " +         result.getString("host"));
           System.out.println("   Client connected application_name from Postgres : " +         result.getString("application_name"));

       if (dataTypeCheck)
          if (sourceDatatType == "Int") {
            sql = "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS)";
            sql = sql + "select * from datatype_test where int_val = ?";
          } else if (sourceDatatType == "Bigint") {
            sql = "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS)";
            sql = sql + "select * from datatype_test where bigint_val = ?";
          } else if (sourceDatatType == "Numeric") {
            sql = "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS)";
            sql = sql + "select * from datatype_test where numeric_val = ?";
          } else if (sourceDatatType == "Numeric122") {
            sql = "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS)";
            sql = sql + "select * from datatype_test where numeric_val = ?";
          } else if (sourceDatatType == "Smallint") {
            sql = "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS)";
            sql = sql + "select * from datatype_test where smallint_val = ?";

          Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
          stmt.execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0");

          System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Int to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

          /** creating PreparedStatement object to execute query*/
          preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

          preStatement.setInt(1, intQueryParam);
          result = preStatement.executeQuery();
              System.out.println("   " + result.getString(1));

          System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Long to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

          preStatement.setLong(1, longQueryParam);
          result = preStatement.executeQuery();
            System.out.println("   " + result.getString(1));

          System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Float to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

          preStatement.setFloat(1, floatQueryParam);
          result = preStatement.executeQuery();
            System.out.println("   " + result.getString(1));

          System.out.println("===== Query Plan - Cast Double to "+ sourceDatatType +" =====");

          preStatement.setDouble(1, doubleQueryParam);
          result = preStatement.executeQuery();
            System.out.println("   " + result.getString(1));


      System.out.println("Command successfully executed");


    catch(SQLException exp) {
	   System.out.println("Exception: " + exp.getMessage());
	   System.out.println("SQL State: " + exp.getSQLState());
	   System.out.println("Vendor Error: " + exp.getErrorCode());